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Aquarius Relationship And Marriage Compatibility | Aquarius’s Ideal Partner


Being in a relationship with an Aquarius is like having an intimate best friend who doesn’t demand much affection and seduction. The ideal partner is someone who can hold long conversations and can keep up with the unique and brilliant ideas of Aquarius.

What it is like to be in a relationship with an Aquarius?

As a matter of fact, this Zodiac sign is ruled by Saturn, therefore people who were born under this sign are like Saturn. Aloof, distant, cold, and appear unemotional.


Being an air sign, these people are intellectual, prefer to form a mental connection, and are detached from their emotions.

Though, they are social and initiative. However, they might send mixed signals once they have set an eye on you, or when dating. The truth is, they themselves don’t know what they want.


At one moment they want the relationship, the next moment they want their freedom and don’t want to get attached. Sometimes they just can’t make up their mind.

Most often than not Aquarius people prefer to become friends and have a friendship-like relationship that could possibly turn into a romance or even a committed relationship.


One-on-one relationships and marriage don’t interest them at a young age. Usually, they are the latest ones to get married. Given the fact that they enjoy their time with their large group of friends and are also busy contributing to society in some way.

They should not resist being in a relationship because for them the real joy, the real fun times, and amusements come once they commit.

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How can you tell if an Aquarius is in love?

It is really hard to tell. They treat everyone equally; they send mixed signals. And Also, they prioritize their friends.

If he/she introduces you to his/her friends, and you spend time with them that could be a tell-tale sign that an Aquarius is serious about you.


Or if they plan the future ahead with you. If an Aquarius is serious about you, he/she would plan the future, as they always think about the future.

The other challenge with being in a relationship with an Aquarius is that he/she isn’t willing to compromise neither their partner. And they are drawn to self-centered, egoistic people who are either well-known or have power/social standing.


Once Aquarius is finally in a relationship they give freedom to their partner and they also need their own freedom.

Bonus tip if you are in a relationship with an Aquarius man or woman
Aquarius people want star qualities in their partner. How to have those star qualities? By not sharing every detail with them about your daily life or being very confident like a celebrity and taking good care of your appearance.


Aquarius relationship compatibility

The ideal partner for Aquarius is a Leo. Because Leo can teach them how to show affection, how to open their heart, and how to love. While Aquarius people can feed the fire in the Leo partner and keep the passion going. They are both slow to commit, but once they commit, they are there for the bitter end.

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The other two air signs, Libra and Gemini are also compatible with Aquarius. They have a lot in common, and they can have many intellectual conversations that stimulate their minds. And they can enjoy social settings together, as they are very social and outgoing signs.

While the other fire signs Aries and Sagittarius are too very compatible with Aquarius. Probably Sagittarius is more because they understand each other’s needs for freedom and space and also the high-minded topics that others don’t understand. With Aries, they can enjoy their daily lives, go on road trips, socialize, and their relationship can turn into a friendship or sibling-like relationship.


The ideal partner for Aquarius man and woman

The best match for Aquarius is a person who is confident, has power of sorts, and higher social standing. The person who is not too emotional and sensitive, and might be a celebrity or looks like a celebrity.


And being a good communicator to stimulate Aquariu’s mind is also crucial.

Are Aquarius people loyal partners?
The social butterfly Aquarius who is very hard to commit is a loyal partner. More loyal than the other air signs and definitely more loyal than the fire signs. The thing is Aquarius people are not highly sexualized people, they live in their heads the opposite of Scorpio. So they don’t have too much sexual energy and sexual urges. They just need their partner with star qualities, a Leo-like partner. Who is their king or queen.

What are your experiences with dating and being in a relationship with an Aquarius?

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