Daily Viral

Aquarius – The Zodiac Experiences An Extremely Lucky ‘Emerald Year’ In 2024


Coined by famed astrologer Susan Miller, the term ’emerald year’ in astrology refers to the time Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, spends in a zodiac sign.

Those experiencing an emerald year are the ones who may experience abundance in most aspects of their life.


For 2024, Jupiter will be in the signs of Aquarius, blessing this sign with an emerald year.

Benefic planet Jupiter usually brings fresh starts, more income opportunities, career growth and even romance. Those with transiting Jupiter in their sun and rising sign may feel the effects the most.


While you may face more of the same lessons from last year, you are ready for the next phase. Jupiter, the planet of abundance, knowledge, and expansion will continue to transit your sign this year.

In your career, you could achieve more clarity in the direction you want to go. You could finally begin projects that have been in the planning stages since Jupiter helps you research how to assemble the pieces efficiently.


During the remainder of this transit, you are going to trust yourself more, find more connections and strengthen existing relationships.

If you neglected the messages from 2023’s Jupiter retrograde period, this is the year that Jupiter will continue to teach you.


Now that the planet is direct, you could expect to take more pride in yourself and the work you create.

This is a reminder to be your biggest cheerleader and acknowledge your successes, even the smallest victories.


There is still plenty of opportunity to meet new people, learn new things and create magic this year.

RELATED:  The Water Bearer's Secrets: The 50 Things You Should Know About Aquarius

Jupiter wants you to feel confident, have fun and be there for yourself. It is supportive, helping you to get things done, not get overwhelmed, and trust the process.


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