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Gemini Man in Love | 5 Signs a Gemini Man is Serious About You


When a Gemini Man falls in love some of his well-known charter traits, such as being talkative and witty are amplified.

While he developes some new qualities and traits at the same time.


How do you know if a Gemini man is serious about you?

1. Sweet talker

A Gemini man is already advanced level when it comes to communicating, and is never short of words.

However, he becomes a sweet talker when he is in love, or when he is besotted by someone. No one is as charming and sweet as a male Gemini when he has feelings for someone.


2. Interest in Arts

This might be surprising. When a Gemini man is utterly infatuated with someone, he has a newfound interest in the art of all sorts.

He might want to take you to a gallery, or to a classical music concert. Or simply he just wants to marvel at the beautiful architecture and design of all kinds.


3. Wants to do everything with you

The social butterfly Gemini man who has always many buddies and friends around suddenly wants to be with only you.

Such as doing sports only for the two of you, going on a road trip only with you, or simply going out only with you.


4. Doesnt‘ treat the relationship as a hobby

This doesn’t sound romantic at all. But we are talking about Gemini men, who are playful, youthful, clever, entertaining, have so many other great character traits, and are fun to be around. However, they might treat romance as a hobby.

If he is serious about you, he won’t treat dating you and being with you as a hobby. But beware if he treats the time with you as a love affair.

RELATED:  Why Is Gemini So Afraid Of Love?

5. Shares everything with you

If a Gemini is in love with you, or serious about you he will find a way to constantly talk or keep in touch with you. He tells you every gossip, story he has heard- and being a social butterfly, he hears a lot of them.

And finds a way to constantly make you laugh, and tell you funny stories, and jokes.


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