Daily Viral

How Does Scorpio Deal With Failure?


Nobody likes to fail — nobody. Yet, it’s part of life.

We need to stumble and fall in order to know what it’s like to pick ourselves up and start again.


Starting again is what gives us hope; failure can be a stepping stone to that new hope.

Often times, we fail because we set our expectations too high and we bite off more than we can chew, so to speak.


Expectation can lead to disappointment when not met, and when it’s personal — as in, when we attempt to do something that we completely believe we can do, yet fail — we plummet.

We become disappointed in ourselves, and how we process that disappointment is individual and personal.


In other words, we don’t all take our personal failures the same way.

And when it comes to astrology, how the zodiac signs face failure all depends on their individual personality traits.


Because the zodiac equips us with certain traits, as well as certain other traits to deal with what we mess up, everyone personally faces their failures in a different way.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

If you could fail, then you wouldn’t be a Scorpio. At least that’s what you tell yourself.


You are all about denial, and failure is something that you attribute to others, but never to yourself.

You deal with it by passing the buck: “it’s their fault.”

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