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How To Make A Sagittarius Man Obsessed With You


A Sagittarius man is outgoing, adventurous, and loving.

How to make a Sagittarius man obsessed with you?

It’s not as easy as you might think. Sagittarius is a free fire sign in the zodiac. Sagittarius men are independent and in their own world, so holding their attention can seem difficult to a lot of people.


However, Sagittarius men are also very passionate, and appealing to his interests will draw him to you. Showing the same passion that they feel will make Sagittarius men totally obsessed with you. It’s important to remember that free spirits, like the Sagittarius man, don’t want to feel held back or trapped.

Instead of chasing them, and in turn, chasing them, have him chase you, Sagittarius is a hunter after all. Read on to find out how to make a Sagittarius man obsessed with you, according to astrology:


1. Adventure with him

Invite the Sagittarius man on adventures. Sagittarians are free spirits. Their fiery element makes them energetic and moves freely in life. Sagittarius men love the excitement and trying new things.

Take him on an adventure he’s never tried before, and he’ll be back for more. From discovery to obstacles, adventures are a great way to connect with someone on a deep level. Adventures are one of her favorite things.


Sagittarius is opposite Gemini on the zodiac calendar. Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury, holds powers that don’t come easily to Sagittarians. Mercury is the god of communication, so verbal communication is not Sagittarius’ strong suit.

Sagittarius men are men of action, so showing your interest in quality time will mean a lot more to them than a statement.

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2. Be mysterious.

Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which makes them naturally curious.

Sagittarius men love to look for answers and never seem to run out of questions. To win the heart and mind of a Sagittarius man, be a little mysterious, don’t show all of your cards at once.


Letting him wonder about you will capture his interest and make him want to know everything about you. Being an open book will eliminate that quest for truth that Sagittarius men adore, so they might get bored and move on.

Even when they ask about you, be vague or shy, make him work for the answers. Don’t worry, the Sagittarius man won’t lose patience, he will in fact keep it and always want more.


3. Be smart.

Show your intelligence. Sagittarians are philosophical and intelligent. Show that you can follow the curiosity of the Sagittarius man.

He will be impressed by deep thinking and wanting to have those deep conversations with you. Your beliefs don’t necessarily need to line up, philosophical conversations like this are messy by nature.


Disagreeing can deepen the conversation as the two of you discuss your differences and why you see things the way you do.

The Sagittarius man will enjoy this kind of debate and you can learn from each other. As long as you respect his opinions, he will respect yours regardless of the deal.


4. Share your creative activities.

Sagittarius men are Renaissance men. Sagittarius is represented by the Centaur, especially Chiron in Greek mythology. Chiron is a master of medicine, prophecy, hunting, and music. Although I have already mentioned appealing to the intelligence of the Sagittarius man, it is also important to appeal to his creative side.

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Show that you are multi-faceted too. Verbal communication isn’t the Sagittarius man’s greatest strength, but communicating through art is something they understand.


Art is a great way to express deep inner thoughts and emotions that are harder to put into words. Art can create nuance, like turning pain into beauty, and interpreting the intricacies of art is something Sagittarius men appreciate and will keep them addicted to you.

5. Be adaptable.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign meaning because they are born at the end of a season, they are very adaptable. Mutable signs accept endings because they are a signal for new beginnings.


Being adaptable is also seen as a strength for Sagittarius men. Being too fixed or rigid will put off the Sagittarius man, he likes to be free and doesn’t want to feel smothered or put in a box.

Of course, maybe a Sagittarius man could use a little structure in his life. But this structure should also be able to adapt to circumstances, otherwise, the Sagittarius man will feel trapped. He can decide to continue freely on his own.

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