Ah, the deep, dark obsessions we all have and yet cannot possibly admit. Our horoscope probably can’t even pick up on them.
Well, after all, they ARE obsessions and if they’re as deep and dark as I think they are, then hell no, you’re not going to tell the world about them, are you? That’s why they’re deep and dark because they’re a bit… taboo.
I once attended a meeting where people were “sharing” their darkest secrets.
“Ooh, right up my alley,” I thought as I listened to the unique tales of my fellow humans. We do make up an interesting species, don’t we?
And then, I remember a young man getting up and confessing to the crowd that every time he had sex, he liked to imagine stabbing his mother to death, over and over. Well hello eye-opener. And scary guy. And bye-bye I’m out.
Nonetheless, the world is made up of a lot of human beings with intensely weird imaginations, some bordering on obsessions.
So, if fantasizing that you’re murdering your mom while having sex isn’t your thing, then what is?
Here’s the great part: the zodiac is very tell tale about its people and their deepest, darkest obsessions.
Just when you thought it was safe to be a weepy, milk toast Pisces — sorry, you guys are some of the most depraved obsessors of ’em all.
But first, let’s see what the deep, dark zodiac sign obsessions are.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
You don’t know dark until you’ve experienced the mind of Gemini.
They run surrealistic, these astrological twins; in fact, they’re so dark, they’re Twin Peaks dark.
What’s their obsession? Being someone else — dressing up as someone else and faking people out, in dangerous ways.