Daily Viral

What Turns People Off The Most In Sagittarius?


You know when you meet someone and you think they’re interesting and great… and then they do something and all that just flies out the window?

We all have some quality or characteristics that turn people off to us. Sometimes these personality traits are innocuous and mostly inoffensive, and no matter how we try to figure out why certain people don’t like us, we never can.


Why don’t people like my laugh? But my laugh is so big and hearty that it makes other people laugh, too.

Then there are other negative personality traits that we can actually understand why they would turn people off — like if you’re super-demanding or argumentative. You might get why someone might not like you; having that quality but it doesn’t bother you, so why should you get rid of it?


Sometimes people need to be a little more accepting of other people and their personality quirks and a little less judgmental. You are who you are and if people don’t like it, they can suck it.

The worst is when people feel it’s their duty to try and change you, which always leads to semi-disastrous results.


I had a friend who loved to say, “Nice toilet” when speaking of people’s asses. He said it all the time, often in extremely inappropriate circumstances. It was incredibly annoying but if you asked him to stop doing it, he said it more and if you did nothing, he said even more than you ever thought possible.

It got to the point where you had to decide if his friendship was worth tolerating that irritating phrase. In the end, while his way of complimenting someone’s backside was grating, his friends decided his friendship was worth waiting until he finally got tired of saying, which, by the way, took years.

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Here’s what turns people off to you, based on your zodiac sign.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

You may love the world and its people but everything you do is you-focused.


You’re very self-centered and it makes people feel as if you’re not that interested in what they have to say, even if you know that you should occasionally ask how they are.

You’re so self-involved, there’s barely any room left for other people.


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