Daily Viral

Who Is Aries’ Number 1 Zodiac Enemy?


Do you know if someone is a real friend or if they’re a frenemy?

If you aren’t sure what a frenemy is, it’s a friend who really isn’t a friend. They may call themselves your friend but they don’t wish you well or cheer for your success. They give you backhanded compliments — the kind that when you hear them it takes you a minute to realize how hurtful and off-putting they are.


Frenemies are underhanded, sneaky and shady, but it’s probably better to stay friends with them than to alienate them entirely. You need to be aware of what your frenemies are up to.

They treat gossiping about you behind your back as if it’s a rare talent and it never crosses their mind that what they’re doing could be interpreted as mean. If they criticize you, they believe that they’re helping you to better yourself, not undermining your confidence.


They live for eroding your confidence and causing you to doubt yourself. When you’re not feeling strong and confident, they’re able to swoop in and cause even more trouble.

They think nothing about stealing your friends, breaking up your relationships, and just generally being an assh*le to you. But if you call them out on their behavior, they’re hurt and don’t understand how you can possibly be so wrong about them.


When you’re struggling to make a positive change, they won’t support you; instead, they’ll tell you that smoking isn’t so bad and that it makes you seem sophisticated. Or, when you want to lose weight and get healthy, they’ll bring over that box of Krispy Creme donuts.

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Frenemies are insecure and jealous and they want to have what you have. And instead of working towards having those things in a positive way, they think it’s easier to sabotage you to get them.


If you do have a frenemy, it’s probably best to cut them out of your life but if you can’t, try to be aware of what they’re doing so that they don’t do anything damaging to your life.

If you are Aries, your number one zodiac frenemy is Capricorn.


Both Aries and Capricorn are extremely hard-working and will do almost anything to be recognized for their efforts. Promotion is the name of the game, so don’t be surprised when Capricorn sets you up to fail. Yeah, they have no problem throwing you under the bus or setting up a bunch of booby-traps to help guarantee your failure. You don’t want to look like you’re not a team player so be sure to keep tabs on what they’re doing and planning so that you don’t get blindsided.

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