Daily Viral

Why Are Sagittarius So Lucky? (7 Main Reasons)


Why are Sagittarius so lucky in life? Or better to ask are Sagittarius lucky at all?

If you have a Sagittarius in your social circle or in the family probably have already wondered whether Sagittarius people were born under a lucky star, or they just navigate through life with a different attitude. For others, they seem they have it all and everything is coming up roses to them.


Do they have more good karma than others? Or more opportunities? Or what is their secret behind feeling blessed and fortunate?

Why are Sagittarius so lucky?

Is Sagittarius the luckiest Zodiac Sign? Are Sagittarius lucky in life?
They surely feel that way, but other Zodiac Signs can be lucky and fortunate as well. And everyone can work on their luck, fortune, and good karma, and even on their heaven-sent opportunities so to speak. Though Sagittarius people might seem as if they were born with a four-leaved clover.


The 7 main reasons Sagittarius feels like and seems like the most fortunate Zodiac Sign, who merits more opportunities and is convinced to be favored by higher powers.

1. Children of Jupiter

Their ruling planet is Jupiter, which distributes its blessings and gifts wherever it goes like Santa Claus. They are the incarnation of Jupiter. And the planet of good fortune and wisdom favors its own children, the Sagittarius people. It just wants the best for its children as a jovial parent would do.


2. Charitable and generous

Interestingly enough, during the month of Sagittarius- the preparation period for the winter holidays- December is when everyone is more charitable and generous, and loving than usual. That is the most festive month of the year too.

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Sagittarius people are charitable and generous throughout the whole year and their entire life. They are always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it and share whatever they have. They tend to be generous with their time, hard-earned wisdom, assets, etc.


Probably you heard many times, the more you give, the more have. And no one becomes poor by giving to others.

Pisces people, the other children of Jupiter are willing to sacrifice themselves for others, to help those in need. And guess what, they are the ones who experience miracles in their lives. Miraculous manifestations and positive developments.


3. Their approach toward life

If you have at least one Sagittarius in your life, you noticed that they have such an optimistic– sometimes unreasonably optimistic- approach towards life. No matter what kind of struggle and pain they have to face and go through- rest assured Sagis do go through hell too- they can overcome any hardships with that overly optimistic attitude. And when they are out of their personal hell, they look back and are willing to learn from it, so it cannot happen again.

4. Adventurous nature

Besides their optimistic and positive nature, their hunger and love for adventures are always with them, even at an older age. No matter what kind of trials and hardships they experience, or issues they have to solve their adventurous nature helps them focus on the bright side of life. And they just don’t have time to dwell in the past, to feel sorry for themselves, or to be melancholic. They always seek new adventures, new fun times, to experience more of the joys life could offer.

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And they have the attitude: Tomorrow will worry for itself. Sagis are always ready to have some fun, to paint the town red, or learn something new.

5. This shall pass!

They have seen a lot, and know that everything is temporary, nothing lasts forever. Everything will pass, so enjoy the moment and don’t care much about adversity and hardships, those will pass eventually. And instead, Sagittarius people see opportunities everywhere.


The more fun and joy you have in your life, the higher your vibrational frequency is. And Sagittarius people know this intuitively. And the better mood you have, the higher your vibrational frequency is, the better you attract.

6. Good karma – mercy

Being born under the sign Sagittarius is said to be a blessing, and one has to earn it by good deeds for others in previous lifetimes. In other words, Sagittarius has more stored good karma, so in this incarnation, they enjoy the fruits of their generous good deeds. And, they are willing to continue making good karma this lifetime, by being charitable and generous with whatever asset they have.


7. Gratitude, Thankfulness, Appreciation

Jupiter loves when one is humble and appreciates their blessings and opportunities and doesn’t feel entitled to anything good. And probably one of the secrets behind Sagittarius’s luck in life is that they are masters of being grateful and appreciate everything. And you know, whatever you focus on, you have more of that.

And What is Sagittarius lucky stone: what stones are best for Sagittarius: Yellow Sapphire and Turquoise

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What is the Sagittarius lucky color? Orange.

Are Sagittarius lucky in love?

They are overall lucky and blessed. And opportunities appear to them. Also, they have the Zodiac Sign Gemini on the 7th house cusp. Gemini rules the twins, and wherever Gemini is it is always more than one. In other words, they have more opportunities to get married or to have life partners. The answer is yes, Sagittarius is lucky in love too.


Are Sagittarius lucky in money?

This is a tricky subject of life for them surely. As they love to spend their money as if there is no tomorrow and loves to indulge and traveling and education costs a lot they might don’t have the ability to save until mid 30ies. So they are luckier with money once they matured fully and stopped the bohemian and hippy life. And spend wisely.

Why are Sagittarius considered lucky recap:

  • Children of Jupiter, the planet of fortune and blessings
  • Charitable and generous
  • Optimistic and Positive approach toward life
  • Adventures nature
  • This shall pass! Everything is temporary.
  • Good karma
  • Gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation

Final thoughts

So if you were wondering why is Sagittarius the luckiest sign now you know the main reasons. And if you weren’t born under that lucky star you can still work on your fortune and opportunities. Sagittarius people are here to teach us how to be lucky, and optimistic and to learn appreciation that they naturally know. As each and every Zodiac Sign has its own fair share of strengths and modus vivendi that others should learn.

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