Daily Viral

Why Does Aquarius Always Blame Others?


“Passing the ol’ buck.” That’s what they say when you blame someone else for something you are responsible for.

It’s kind of an annoying trait, don’t you think? And yet, it happens on a daily basis.


People are always blaming others for something they themselves don’t want to be attributed for.

Who, out of all the zodiac signs, are guilty of blaming others for their own shortcomings?


Well, it all depends on what astrology says about your personality traits and behaviors.

The Blame Game covers a lot of territory. If you can’t handle taking responsibility for your actions, you might as well say “the other guy did it.”


It’s the quickest way out — just point the finger at the someone else, someone other than you. “They did it.” They ruined the relationship. They destroyed the friendship.

They did the wrong thing. They didn’t come through. They were mean to me. They, they, they.


Look, human beings are flawed creatures. Often times we simply can’t deal with the consequences of our actions, and if we’re immature enough, we shrug nervously, hoping that no one catches on to the fact that we are guilty.

It’s all about hiding from one’s own truth; we deflect the attention from our own bad behavior by placing the spotlight on someone else.


Some folks simply cannot be held responsible for their actions, even if they known they are the ones who did the damage.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

You have never once considered that you could possibly do anything to anyone that could cause a disturbance, so when suddenly your relationship or friendship is put to the test, it’s always and only due to the other party’s fault.

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You find fault in everyone but yourself, and if anyone blames you, you snub them for even considering this.

You blame others for everything that has ever gone wrong in your life, and owning up to your own garbage will never happen.


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