Being a moral hypocrite seems easy enough; the only requirement is that one has to be a human being, and that’s a common enough thing these days. I mean, look out your window; we’re all over the place, we humans.
We set up our ideals, our rules, and as we fail again and again, dealing with our disappointments again and again, we immediately forget what doesn’t work for us and we attempt the ideal — again!
We don’t learn, and that is what makes us become moral hypocrites: because we don’t learn our lessons.
The zodiac signs who are moral hypocrites create ideals and cannot live up to them. These ideals are just that: perfected concepts, untouchable, un-movable. Locked in. You don’t need astrology to figure out which one of your friends is this way.
Monogamous love is an ideal. Life long marriage is an ideal. We told so tightly to these ideals that we break our fingers trying to enforce them as natural, when, indeed, they are ideals, not easy things that can be achieved.
So, when we don’t achieve these ideals — perfect love life, perfect sex life — we think we’ve failed, and we bring that element of negativity into the picture.
Self-judgement, then self-hate. All because we couldn’t live up to the rules and regulations of some ideal.
We call ourselves and others hypocrites for it. And when we feel we fail in certain areas, we believe we weren’t true to ourselves and that kind of false character we consider to be reprehensible; we know ourselves to be moral hypocrites.
Being that we are all hypocritical, we must turn to astrology to figure out which of them are actually prone to this kind of moral hypocrisy.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
You clutch so tightly to your morals and ideas that you forget about people.
You have an idea in your mind that you had better cling tightly to all you own; you love to brag about what you have, what you’ve done.
You are a highly jealous and envious sort of person as well, so you tend to covert anything another person has, if they love it.
What makes you a moral hypocrite is that you believe in “love thy neighbor” until it’s time to help your neighbor. You don’t help neighbors, Aquarius. You’re not what anyone would ever call “a helpful person.”