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Why Taurus Is The Most Arrogant Zodiac Sign?


If I asked you to think of someone who personified arrogance, you could probably think of someone pretty quickly, right? I mean, it’s not hard to tell when someone is being a straight-up jerk and arrogant behavior isn’t very far off from that, either.

Being arrogant is a whole mess of things that someone can be that it feels like arrogant people are their own species.


You’ve got the arrogant people who are so full of themselves that they could walk around with a mirror to look at themselves all day and it wouldn’t seem weird at all. Then you’ve got the ones who think that they are so much better than everyone else in every possible way – smarts, looks, personality – that they can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t be in love with their arrogant selves.

And lastly, you have the people whose arrogance is just plain MEAN. Like, the bad guy in all the old movies that just reeks of superiority and rudeness.


And then he pulls out a pistol and starts trouble… Okay, I might be thinking of old westerns and (my all-time favorite movie ever) Tombstone from 1993, but you get my point.

There are a LOT of variations of arrogant personalities, all of which you’ve probably either seen in a movie or IRL.


But just because you can recognize arrogant behavior in someone else doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for it. In fact, we often see undesirable traits in people that we exhibit too – except we aren’t so quick to admit we can be rude and conceited, as well.

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Of course, no one wants to admit that they aren’t awesome and nice and all those good things to anyone (friends, family, and strangers included). I mean, if you want to be the first to walk up to someone and say, “Hi! I’m a huge jerk,” be my guest, but I have a feeling that isn’t your thing.


So when we see bad traits in others, we tend to judge them so quickly instead of realizing that we’re probably the same way. And I hate to say it, but you’re probably a jerk sometimes. Guess what? I probably am, too.

And if you’re STILL in denial about being without fault, I am going to ruin your day because we all suck. Some of us are just better at managing it than others because no one wants to be the person no one likes – hence, the bad guys in the movies we all collectively hate.


And according to astrology (you know I had to get that in there somewhere), Taurus might be more arrogant than you think.

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)

What makes Taurus without a doubt the most arrogant sign isn’t just that he is full of himself. It’s the fact that he is so stubborn and uncompromising that even if you did want to disagree with him on something, you’d just be wasting your breath.


Being around Taurus when he’s acting arrogant is frustrating because he’s not one to back down about anything.

Taurus could be blatantly wrong about something and STILL be too stubborn to concede. That said, he tends to go out of his way to back up his big-headedness, which only makes it that much more unbearable.

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People tend to underestimate Taurus when they don’t know him that well because he’s very unassuming… until you’re faced with his arrogance for the first time.

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